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Luke 14:1,7-14
Jesus prescribes medicine for the pride and fear that fuel our self-promotion.


Luke 13:10-17
A woman is healed on the Sabbath.  God’s law is for our blessing.

Fortified Love

Luke 12:49-56
Jesus’ statement that he has come to bring division shows an important element of real love, that it requires fortitude to do what is hard.  This understanding saves us from weak and sentimental imitations of the fire of God’s love.

Pleased To Give You The Kingdom

Luke 12:32-40
Confidence that God’s desire is to give us eternal life frees us from fear and enables us to live with a love that make more sense of the world around us.

Mary and Martha

Luke 10:38-42
Martha’s feelings point to a simple and important spiritual rule for the Christian life.

Who Is Most Important?

Luke 9:51-62
Is Jesus the most important person or thing in our lives? These verse show four things that often subtly take his place.